

We have all had that time we are dread in Kidmin where we have to hit the recruiting trail hard and heavy. That time of year when people run when they see you coming because they know what you’re wanting to ask. I haven’t been doing this very long but there are some things I have learned even in my short time in Kidmin.

1. Relationships are Crucial
The number one way to get people to jump on board with you and share in the implementation of the vision that God has given you is to build a relationship with people. And not just for the sake of recruiting them to do something for you, but to be able to disciple them and help them grow in their walk with God. Once you’ve gotten to know someone well enough you are able to challenge them by helping them find somewhere to stretch themselves through serving.

Not only are our relationships with other people necessary, our relationship with God is a must. We must be praying for and with our people on a daily basis. Talking with God is the only way we are going to know the steps laid out for us. Until we get that right, nothing else will matter.

2. Preparation is Essential
We are revamping our recruiting trail this year. It will take more work on the front end, but I think it will help out in the long run. We are lengthening our application to be able to find out more about those who are interested in serving in our preschool and children’s worlds. We are going to be hosting orientations before we allow people to sign up so that they can find out what it is really all about. We have a lot of wins to share this year even in the midst of transition and I want people to know that they can be a part of that. We are going to spend more time training new volunteers before they are released into a room to lead kids. My hope is that this will help alleviate some of those who serve out of guilt and don’t stick around for very long. I also hope that even if someone thought they wanted to serve in kids, but realize it’s not for them, we will be able to find them a place to serve somewhere else in the church. I want people to find their niche so that they love what they do.

3.Evaluation and feedback are important.
We are actually starting out recruiting with evaluations. I’m in the process of preparing self evaluations for all of our volunteers that we will begin to walk through. We have a lot of volunteers and most of them I know but some I know better than others. Some would never say a word to me if they were unhappy. They would simply just walk away. I want to find out what their frustrations are and what wins they’ve had this year. Then I want to find out their intentions for next year. I want them to know that my commitment to them is just as important as theirs is to me.

What are you doing to help make the recruiting trail a little smoother this year?

Family Christmas Celebration


Last year we started a new tradition.  We had families come in for a couple of hours and have fun.  They were given a time to ask a better question than, “What do you want for Christmas?”  They had the chance to see Who Christmas was all about.9780764449062

This year, we needed to keep asking those same type questions.  We needed to give families a chance to take the time out of their already busy holiday schedules and enjoy one another.    So this year, we chose to use Nativity: Lights! Camera! Action! produced by Group.  Basically, you have 2 rehearsed parts in the show, and the rest is all impromptu.  It was a lot of fun, and we had a lot of people on stage that would have NEVER signed up for something like this.  And the best part is they all did a fabulous job!  (Now I just hope I haven’t lost them from ever agreeing to do anything for me again)  🙂

We decorated with an old Hollywood theme, and as families entered the church, they were greeted with a red carpet!  They then had the chance to drink some hot chocolate and eat some yummy cookies, take pictures in our photo booth, watch a video about the myths of the nativity, and create some beautiful ornaments and Christmas cards.  While all of this was going on, our “cast” was back in our preschool hall rehearsing, making costumes, and learning motions to a song.

Once the cast was ready, we gathered everyone in the worship center, and the show went off without a hitch!  I hope that our families enjoyed this time to take a break before the craziness begins, and that they will truly see that God used ordinary people in the midst of an extraordinary situation.  He didn’t bring in trained professionals, or have the best set ready for the birth of His Son, but he did it with the people and the set that fit best.  That was in a stable, with Mary and Joseph, two unprepared participants who played a part in the biggest roles of their lives.

Growing in Grace


The past few weeks have been a whirlwind, and to be honest, although I’ve been praying for and over and my kids, I haven’t looked at this list a whole lot.  Between ministry, summer time, and a recent auto accident that has my brother dealing with a broken hip, I’ve just been trying to not drown in everything that needs to be done (or in the mountain of laundry that has taken over my bedroom).  But in the midst of all of this, God has been working on my kids (I know this is a shocker) even though I haven’t had a structured prayer plan for them.

2 Peter 3:18 (ESV)

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

Just today, my 4 year old told me one of the greatest things that even we adults need to remember.  We were actually sitting down for breakfast and she said, “Momma, I know something.  God cannot change who He is.”  Wow.  Slap in the face.  What truth and knowledge she has already learned.  Our elementary kids at church have been going the What’s In The Bible curriculum for the summer.  In order to learn what it was about, I downloaded the soundtrack on iTunes.  My kids have been listening to it NON-STOP.  It has been a huge learning experience and has raised some really interesting questions about the Old Testament.

So they are getting the knowledge down, but we are still working on the grace.  Me included.  I was touched by a blog this week that I read where Danielle Bell talked about falling short when her niece did something that frustrated her.  I was reminded of how I react time and time again to even the least little questions.  I don’t leave enough margin for them in giving out grace, and if I work on it, they will get better at it too.



You heavens above, rain down righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness grow with it; I, the Lord, have created it. -Isaiah 45:8

Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. -2 Timothy 2:10

These were the verses listed for the prayer of salvation over my kids this week. I really don’t like reading just one verse because it is usually very easy to take things out of context when you don’t have the rest of the story. So I decided to read through both of these chapters to get more of the story.

Throughout this chapter in Isaiah, we are reminded that there is only one true God and that our salvation in Him is where we find our comfort. I loved reading this with my children’s salvation in mind. My hope is that they learn quickly in life that people may come and go, things may be here one minute and gone the next, but they can find comfort in the salvation that God offers through Jesus.

In 2 Timothy, we find the encouragement that Paul sends to the church at Ephesus through Timothy. He reminds them to endure through the tough times of Nero so that they can fully benefit in God’s salvation and so that they can lead others to God. Right now I feel like I’m in this place. My kids are 5 (almost 6), 4, and 1 (for all practical purposes). They are learning so much right now, but they are wearing my patience out. I didn’t even pray for patience, but I guess I was not where I needed to be. 🙂 My oldest has already decided to allow God to be the boss of his life, and I can honestly say that I have seen that evidence in his behavior. Besides being a boy and doing what boys do, he has a servant’s heart and will do anything for his family and friends as well as complete strangers. My middle child, well, let’s just say God was probably laughing a little when he decided she would be with me. I’m low key (for the most part) but she is the most high maintenance 4 year old girl have ever seen. Like I mentioned in the last post, we have been dealing with an attitude of entitlement, which has gotten somewhat better. My prayers really were leaning more toward her that God would take her heart and make her submissive. I realize that one day her spunk will be used for the good but for now it’s about to drive me up the wall. As for the baby, I pray that he will see the good examples set before him through his parents and siblings and come to know the salvation that God has for him. I appreciate Paul’s encouragement to endure everything so that others may obtain salvation.

Until next time…



Ok, so satan has a way of attacking when we get ready to do something great for God.  I truly believe that we have a spiritual battle that we fight daily for our kids.  My 4 year old, (going on 24) has had this attitude lately that she is entitled to whatever she wants.  Now, don’t get me wrong, as adults we do the same thing.  That is one reason our national debt is so large.  We don’t want to EARN anything, but want it all given to us.  My husband and I have been trying to figure out a way to change her heart when it comes to this.  I mean, she is our princess, but we don’t want her to actually know that. 🙂

I have sought out wise council from some dear friends of mine, and what do you know, one of them told me to pray for her, with her, and over her.  It’s funny how God bring things back in front of you if you don’t get them the first time.  As I looked over these verses to pray over my children, the first one that I really wanted to pray about was #30, gratitude.  I thought, that is exactly what she needs right now.  However, being the rule follower that I am, I decided to do these in order.  I was amazed at what God showed me next.  The very first thing to pray for is their salvation.  My 5 year old (almost 6) son has already made the choice to follow Jesus and for that I am forever grateful.  Our youngest is about to turn 1, so he’s not to the point of understanding all of that, but the middle child is at the age where it is uber-important for us to make sure she understands God’s gift of salvation.  She is a little sponge, and because she’s been spoiled (mostly by grandparents- with a dash of mom and dad thrown in), she is soaking up the gimme disease.  My prayer is that she will understand that when we have asked Jesus to be the one we follow, that we realize we don’t deserve anything but death and destruction.  A little deep for a 4 year old?  Maybe somewhat, but not totally impossible to understand.

Teaching Your Child Virtues


My kids are all very young (my oldest is just starting kindergarten this fall).  I have tried as a parent to teach them the kind of character that God wants them to have through reading their Bibles with them and leading by example. However, I was convicted the other day about how much I pray for them to have those virtues that God’s word teaches us to strive toward. I can use all the tools that God has given us as parents to help them learn how to live and follow God’s will, but ultimately He is the One who puts it on their hearts to do something. I can only hope that I have given them the instruction and tools necessary to desire to be in God’s will with their lives. I found this on Pinterest (a place I am constantly reminded how much time I don’t have on my schedule), and it really made me think about my prayers for my kiddos.  I want to spend some time each week praying these verses over my kids and just see what happens. I’ll be posting throughout this time of prayer for each of my kids so check back as I share what God is doing in their lives as well as mine.

What ways have you taught your kids how to live as God intends us to?